Dream the Impossible Dream
Our Purpose

A Bit of Background

Reach Ministries is an online community of believers dedicated to serving the underserved all over the world. We develop partnerships with like-minded people to execute project-based missions that fall within the 5 pillars of our organization. REACH helps you to break down the walls that separate people from pursuing and achieving their world-changing dreams for God. We emphasize works as characterized in the REACH acronym. We empower those works and break down those walls by following the model of our Savior Jesus. We build relationships and serve our partners. Our dream is to help millions of people fulfill the call God has put in their hearts.
Refuge – Providing basic needs for the underserved.
Evangelism – Sharing the Gospel of Jesus to the lost.
Academic – Creating K-12 and vocational schools.
Church – Creating community in every area we reach.
Higher Call – Creating community leaders through adult education programs.

Partner with us to change the world one dream at a time
At REACH Ministries we don't charge administrative fees or the project host for our website maintenance this is all paid through donations and support from people who see the value in providing this resource to the world. We also will never maintain a budget excess, in other words everything donated over our operations budget goes into general fund for projects and missionaries that calendar year. our Finances are transparent and posted for public review each year.
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.”