"God has given each person a gift. That gift is something he can do. Each one should use his gift to help the others. In that way you all make good use of the many blessings God has given you."
1 Peter 4:10
At REACH we take your call or the God inspired ideas He has put in your heart and help organize it into a missions project.
We are a community of dreamers just like you who have our own dreams and projects. All different because the the bible tells us we are different parts of the body working together with our unique gifts and talents to serve one another. Just like the human body needs different parts to work at it’s best so does our community!
The first step is to start building a relationship, when you click below you will be asked simple information we need to get to know you better before diving into your own project and dreams.
After that there are some selections to help identify areas you might want to help or volunteer to change the world around you, or across the globe.
Each person has something unique and special to offer as a human being, so we must recognize the many gifts that have been created through God’s love, together our community has many options and great things to share with one another.
And finally, there is an interactive form that lets you tell us about your dream. When that is complete you will be contacted by one of our dreamers who will help you with next steps to fulfilling your dream.
We believe that God created you with skills and talents to help you fulfill the “good works” He planed for you, and at REACH we are excited to partner with you as work towards making those dreams come true!