Hello everyone from the wonderful country of Kenya. Julie and I are having a great time and finding lots of amazing projects to work on with some of the most beautiful people on earth. Many have nothing, but are so happy to live and love God. In Oyengwe we met a group of widows who have physically built their church over the last 2 years. What a site to see, we want to partner with them to buy sand and cement so they can plaster the surface. Another great project is Jessica’s house, she is a widow in Kosele who the church is building her a New House! We helped raise the funds and the church members are starting the work this week.
there are many more projects to mention but not enough space here. You can find them on our projects page and you can find discussions about the projects in our forums. The only downside of our family being here is that we can’t be there in the states to promote and drum up support for these great works. Each project has a plan, a local partner for longevity and cultural relevance as well as a line item budget so that there is total transparency. There is no overhead cost with REACH no employees everyone volunteers. If we need money we create a project for those funds and let people who God calls to support the work foot the bill. But, for the projects that list on REACH every dollar donated goes exactly to the people the project was designed to benefit.
Here is my request for you, pray about becoming a champion for one or more of the projects. A champion will help drive the fundraiser for that project, do, the PR and help stir up donation interest. We are limited to social media because we are here but you can help from home with local fund raisers, change drives, dinners, cake walks whatever you are most comfortable with to help keep the projects going and get them funded in a timely manner. I know this is a lot to ask, so talk to God about it hear what His heart
has to say, then decide. Become your project champion is for you sign up on the website and send me an email so we can discuss next steps. God bless you and have a great day!