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Calling All Dreamers

What are you dreaming of, where is your heart? REACH Ministries is open for business and we need your help! We need you to join, we need people to dream, create projects, review projects, pray for the work at hand and champion projects.

We need the body of Christ because 1 Corinthians 12 tells us each of you is created with a unique roll to play in the body of Christ, that we are all important and the body is not complete if you are missing.

The power of God is at work in you and when added to the community of Christ we are unstoppable. When I begin to think of reaching the entire world for Jesus it is overwhelming. Then I am reminded of an quote from Desmond Tutu I once heard. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. He means we can do any enormous task a little at a time. But I feel that if you want to eat it before it spoils you need to invite your friends to help.

God has empowered us to reach the world as a community, The body of Christ working together He has put all the gifts and talents into the body to facilitate the work He called us too complete. Our ministry was created to take advantage of Gods truth and design. Creating a space where we can connect as a community and use our gifting and talents to help each other fulfill the dream God placed in our hearts.

You are important because God created you in Christ Jesus for good works! Works that He already planned and set a path for you to walk. Your contributions to God's design are what I believe will create the bride that Jesus is returning for with out spot or blemish. I know it seems like we have a long way to go but remember how to eat an elephant? It's time to take a bite. Join us, we want to change the world, we want to usher in the kingdom of God, we want to reach the whole world for Jesus, We want to eliminate the

poverty, sickness and fear that this world brings and replace them with the abundant life and love that our savior Jesus charged us with bringing to the world!

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